Centrifuge plugin

Centrifuge plugin [since 2.12.0] replaces our Websockets and Broadcast deprecated plugins. The centrifuge is a robust library with different clients (JS, Dart, Go, Python), which are actively supported. Our previous JS client had feeble support and was not updated for a long time.

RR exposes all available APIs, including a gRPC proxy and the client's API.

Centrifuge tutorials:


Proxy interface

RR follows the proxy.proto specifications and proxies these events to the PHP worker. To determine what proxy method was called inside the PHP, RR adds a type : endpoint metadata. For example, if the Subscribe method was called, RR will add type:subscribe metadata to the worker's context.


You may also use RPC methods to communicate with centrifugo server. RR follows the official centrifugo proto API. Official documentation available here


# Centrifugo server plugin
# Docs: https://centrifugal.dev/
  # Centrifugo server proxy address (docs: https://centrifugal.dev/docs/server/proxy#grpc-proxy)
  # Optional, default: tcp://
  proxy_address: "tcp://"

  # gRPC server API address (docs: https://centrifugal.dev/docs/server/server_api#grpc-api)
  # Optional, default: tcp:// Centrifugo: `grpc_api` should be set to true and `grpc_port` should be the same as in the RR's config.
  grpc_api_address: tcp://

  # Use gRPC gzip compressor
  # Optional, default: false
  use_compressor: true

  # Your application version
  # Optional, default: v1.0.0
  version: "v1.0.0"

  # Your application name
  # Optional, default: roadrunner
  name: "roadrunner"

  # TLS configuration
  # Optional, default: null
    # TLS key
    # Required
    key: /path/to/key.pem

    # TLS certificate
    # Required
    cert: /path/to/cert.pem
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