Server Commands

RoadRunner application can be started by calling a simple command from the root of your PHP application.

$ rr serve 

You can also start RoadRunner using configuration from custom location:

$ rr serve -c ./app/.rr.yaml

Stopping RR:

  • Send a SIGINT or SIGTERM syscalls to the main RoadRunner process. Inside a k8s for example, this is done automatically when you're stopping the pod.

  • If you want to stop RR manually, you may hit a ctrl+c for the graceful stop or hit ctrl+c one more time to force stop.

  • You may also use a commands:

$ rr serve -p

Where -p means: create a .pid file. And then:

$ rr stop

Or to force stop:

$ rr stop -f

To reload all RoadRunner plugins:

$ rr reset

To reload silently:

$ rr reset --silent

You can attach this command as a file watcher in your IDE.

To reset only particular plugins:

$ rr reset http

To run golang pprof server (debug mode):

$ rr serve -d -c .rr.yaml

To view the status of all active workers in an interactive mode.

$ rr workers -i -c .rr.yaml
Workers of [http]:
|   PID   |  STATUS   |  EXECS  | MEMORY  |     CREATED     |
|    9440 | ready     |  42,320 | 31 MB   | 22 days ago     |
|    9447 | ready     |  42,329 | 31 MB   | 22 days ago     |
|    9454 | ready     |  42,306 | 31 MB   | 22 days ago     |
|    9461 | ready     |  42,316 | 31 MB   | 22 days ago     |

RoadRunner supports .env files. To read environment variables from the .env file, use the --dotenv CLI command:

rr serve --dotenv .env -c .rr.yaml

To show the rr version, use -v or --version:

rr -v

Output: rr version local (build time: development, go1.18.3), OS: linux, arch: amd64

List of all commands with available options:

  • serve:

    1. -c: path to the config file.
    2. -w: set the working directory.
    3. --dotenv: populate the process with env variables from the .dotenv file.
    4. -d: start a pprof server. Note, this is not debug, to use debug logs level, please, use logs:
    5. -s: silent mode.
    6. -o: to override configuration keys with your values, e.g. -o=http.address=:8080 will override the http.address from the .rr.yaml.
    7. -p: create a .pid file to use ./rr stop later.
  • reset:

    1. -c: path to the config file.
  • workers:

    1. -c: path to the config file.
    2. -w: set the working directory.
    3. -i: interactive mode (update statistic every second).
  • stop:

    1. -f: force stop.
    2. -s: silent mode.
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