
Websockets plugins add WebSockets broadcasting features to the Roadrunner. It implements PubSub interface.


Websockets plugin uses protobuf messages for the RPC calls (PHP part). The same messages, but JSON-encoded used on the client side (browser, devices). All proto messages located in the Roadrunner pkg folder.

RPC interface

  1. Publish(in *websocketsv1.Request, out *websocketsv1.Response): The arguments: first argument is a Request , which declares a broker, topics to push the payload and payload; the second argument is a Response, it will contain only 1 bool value which used as a signal of error.
    The error returned if the request fails.

  2. PublishAsync(in *websocketsv1.Request, out *websocketsv1.Response): The arguments: first argument is a Request , which declares a broker, topics to push the payload and payload; the second argument is a Response, it will contain only 1 bool value which used as a signal of error.
    The difference between Publish and PublishAsync that PublishAsync doesn't wait for a broker's response. The error returned if the request fails.


Client payload is the same as used in the RPC operations except that command field should be used. Commands can be as following:

  1. join - to join a specified topics. For successful join server returns a response with joined topics: {"topic":"@join","payload":["foo","foo2"]}. Otherwise, the server returns an error or unsuccessful join response: {"topic":"#join","payload":["foo","foo2"]}. Sample of join command:{"command":"join","broker":"memory","topics":["foo","foo2"],"payload":""}

  2. leave - to leave a specified topics. For successful leave server returns a response with a left topics: {"topic":"@leave","payload":["foo","foo2"]}. Otherwise, the server returns an error or unsuccessful leave response: {"topic":"#leave","payload":["foo","foo2"]}. Sample of leave command: {"command":"leave","broker":"memory","topics":["foo","foo2"],"payload":""}


The architecture diagram for the WebSockets plugin can be found here

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