Plugins — Config

The config plugin is an essential component in RoadRunner, responsible for parsing configuration files and environment variables. It serves as a central hub for managing configurations for the plugins and RoadRunner server itself.

Configuration File Structure

The RoadRunner configuration file should be formatted using YAML or JSON. Each configuration file must include a version at the top, indicating the format's version. The currently supported configuration version is version 3.

The configuration version is not synonymous with the RoadRunner (RR) version. The configuration version and RR version have separate versioning systems.

Example of a YAML configuration file:

version: '3'

# ... other config values

Version numbers are strings, not numbers. For example, version: "3" is correct, but version: 3 is not.

Compatibility matrix

The compatibility matrix provides information about the supported configuration versions for different RoadRunner versions.

RR version Configuration version
>=2023.x.x 3
>=2.8 2.7
2.7.x 2.7 OR Unversioned (treated as v2.6.0, will be auto-updated to v2.7)
<=2.6.x Doesn't support versions

*non-versioned: configuration used in the 2.0.x-2.6.x releases.


v3.0 Configuration

Reload plugin Update

⚠️ The reload plugin has been removed from the default plugins list. Please use *.pool.debug=true instead.

OpenTelemetry Middleware Update

Starting from version v2023.1.0, the OpenTelemetry (OTEL) middleware configuration has been moved out of the HTTP plugin to support its usage across multiple plugins, including HTTP, gRPC, jobs and temporal. The OTEL middleware is now configured using a top-level YAML key.

RoadRunner 2.x

# HTTP plugin settings.
  middleware: [ "otel" ]
    insecure: true
    compress: false
    client: http
    exporter: otlp
    custom_url: ""
    service_name: "rr_test"
    service_version: "1.0.0"
    endpoint: ""

RoadRunner v2023.x.x

  middleware: [ "otel" ]

  insecure: true
  compress: false
  client: http
  exporter: otlp
  custom_url: ""
  service_name: "rr_test"
  service_version: "1.0.0"
  endpoint: ""

Updating from version: 2.7 to version: 3

To update your configuration from version 2.7 to version 3, follow these steps:

  1. Update the version number: Change the version value from 2.7 to 3.
  2. Relocate the otel middleware configuration: If your configuration uses the otel middleware configuration within the http plugin, move it to the configuration root by cutting it from the http plugin and pasting it at the root level.
  3. Remove the reload plugin configuration and if needed, use the *.pool.debug=true option instead.


  1. By default, .rr.yaml used as the configuration, located in the same directory with RR binary.
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