PHP Workers — Environment configuration

RoadRunner offers the capability to set and manage environment variables for workers. This capability allows you to set specific environment variables when workers are initialized, providing a flexible and organized method for managing application configurations.

Setting Env Variables

You can set environment variables for PHP workers by defining them in the server.env section of the RoadRunner configuration file. These variables will be applied to all workers when they are started by the server.

Here's an example:

  command: "php worker.php"
    DEBUG: true

In this example, when RoadRunner starts a PHP worker, it will set the DEBUG environment variable to true.

All environment variable keys will be automatically converted to uppercase.

Default Env Values in PHP Workers

RoadRunner comes with a set of default environment (ENV) values that facilitate proper communication between the PHP process and the server. These values are automatically available to workers and can be used to configure and manage various aspects of the worker's operation.

Here's a list of the default ENV values provided by RoadRunner:

Key Description
RR_MODE Identifies what mode worker should work with (http, temporal, grpc, jobs, tcp, centrifuge)
RR_RPC Contains RPC connection address when enabled.
RR_RELAY pipes or tcp://..., depends on server relay configuration.
RR_VERSION RoadRunner version started the PHP worker (minimum 2023.1.0)

These default environment values can be used within your PHP worker to configure various settings and adapt the worker's behavior according to the specific requirements of your application.

What's Next?

  1. Environment variables - Learn how to use environment variables in your RoadRunner configuration.
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