Writing Services

RoadRunner uses a service bus to organize its internal services and their dependencies. This approach is similar to the PHP Container implementation with automatic method injection. You can create your own services, event listeners, middlewares, etc.

To define your service create a struct with public Init method with return values (bool, error):

package custom

const ID = "custom"

type Service struct{

func(s *Service) Init() (ok bool, err error) {
   return true, nil

Return false as your first argument in order to disable the service.

You can register your service by creating a custom version of main.go file and building it.


You can access other RoadRunner services by requesting dependencies in your Init method:

package custom

import (
    rrhttp "github.com/spiral/roadrunner/service/http"

type Service struct{

func(s *Service) Init(r *rpc.Service, rr *rrhttp.Service) (ok bool, err error) {
   return true, nil

Make sure to request dependency as pointer.


In most of the cases, your services would require a set of configuration values. RoadRunner can automatically populate and validate your configuration structure using Hydrate method:

package custom

import (

type Config struct {
   Key string

func(c *Config) Hydrate(cfg service.Config) error {
	return cfg.Unmarshal(&c)

Add new section to .rr file under name of your service:

    key: value

You can now request your config as a simple dependency for your service:

func(s *Service) Init(r *rpc.Service, cfg *Config) (ok bool, err error) {
   return true, nil


Create Serve and Stop method in your structure to let RoadRunner start and stop your service.

func(s *Service) Serve() error { 
   return s.serveSomething()

func(s *Service) Stop() { 

RPC Methods

You can expose a set of RPC methods for your PHP workers by registering net/rpc handler using rpc service.

func(s *Service) Init(r *rpc.Service) (ok bool, err error) {
   r.Register("custom", &rpcService{})
   return true, nil

Where rpcService is:

package custom

type rpcService struct {

func (s *rpcService) Hello(input string, output *string) error {
    *output = input    
    return nil

To use it within PHP using RPC instance:

var_dump($rpc->call('custom.Hello', 'world'));
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