Server Commands

RoadRunner application can be started by calling a simple command from the root of your PHP application.

$ rr serve -v

You can also run RR in debug mode to view all incoming requests.

$ rr serve -v -d

You can force RR service to reload its HTTP workers.

$ rr http:reset

You can attach this command as file watcher in your IDE.

To view the status of all active workers in interactive mode.

$ rr http:workers -i
|   PID   |  STATUS   |  EXECS  | MEMORY  |      CREATED       |
|    9440 | ready     |  42,320 | 31 MB   | 22 minutes ago     |
|    9447 | ready     |  42,329 | 31 MB   | 22 minutes ago     |
|    9454 | ready     |  42,306 | 31 MB   | 22 minutes ago     |
|    9461 | ready     |  42,316 | 31 MB   | 22 minutes ago     |
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